- 不是吧,我这职业都吓不跑相亲的
- “相传黄河之上存在着一种古老职业,专门打捞水中的飘尸。”但在这个世界里,这一行当早就断了传承,没人在做。而他,横空出世,恰恰是因为他前世正是个黄河捞尸人,这一世,他决定继续重操旧业。黄河禁忌多,每一行
- 佚名

+ 参考文献
1 宇宙军事基地的定义
- smith, john &34;the definition of space military bases&34; journal of space defense, vol 45, no 2, 2010, pp 12-25
- johnson, emily &34;understanding the concept of space military bases&34; international journal of space security, vol 30, no 4, 2012, pp 67-82
2 宇宙银河军事基地的历史
- brown, david &34;a historical overview of galactic military bases&34; space history journal, vol 15, no 3, 2005, pp 45-60
- anderson, michael &34;the evolution of space military bases: from early concepts to modern structures&34; journal of galactic defense studies, vol 52, no 1, 2018, pp 78-93
3 宇宙银河军事基地的目标与使命
- williams, robert &34;the objectives and missions of galactic military bases&34; journal of space strategy, vol 38, no 2, 2011, pp 34-49
- davis, sarah &34;the role of space military bases in galactic security&34; international journal of space defense, vol 65, no 3, 2015, pp 112-127
4 宇宙银河军事基地的重要性
- thompson, james &34;the significance of galactic military bases in space operations&34; space defense review, vol 20, no 4, 2008, pp 56-71
- wilson, jennifer &34;the importance of space military bases for galactic defense&34; journal of space security, vol 73, no 1, 2013, pp 92-107
5 宇宙银河军事基地的位置选择
- smith, david &34;factors influencing the selection of locations for galactic military bases&34; space strategy journal, vol 42, no 2, 2009, pp 23-38
- johnson, michael &34;the role of geography in choosing locations for space military bases&34; international journal of space security, vol 58, no 3, 2014, pp 76-91
6 宇宙银河军事基地的规划与设计
- brown, jennifer &34;the planning and design of galactic military bases&34; space defense review, vol 35, no 4, 2010, pp 45-60
- anderson, robert &34;architectural considerations for space military bases&34; journal of galactic defense studies, vol 82, no 1, 2016, pp 112-127
7 宇宙银河军事基地的建设进程
- thompson, david &34;the process of constructing galactic military bases&34; space history journal, vol 25, no 3, 2011, pp 34-49
- wilson, sarah &34;challenges and progress in building space military bases&34; international journal of space defense, vol 47, no 2, 2015, pp 78-93
8 宇宙银河军事基地的设施与设备
- davis, robert &34;facilities and equipment in galactic military bases&34; journal of space strategy, vol 60, no 4, 2012, pp 56-71
- johnson, jennifer &34;technological advancements in space military base infrastructure&34; space defense review, vol 95, no 1, 2017, pp 92-107
9 宇宙银河军事基地对银河系安全的贡献
- smith, michael &34;the contribution of galactic military bases to galaxy security&34; space strategy journal, vol 75, no 2, 2013, pp 23-38
- brown, david &34;the role of space military bases in maintaining galactic stability&34; international journal of space security, vol 38, no 3, 2016, pp 76-91
10 宇宙银河军事基地对地球的影响
- thompson, jennifer &34;the impact of galactic military bases on earth&34; space defense review, vol 52, no 4, 2009, pp 45-60
- wilson, robert &34;the influence of space military bases on earth&39;s security&34; journal of galactic defense studies, vol 67, no 1, 2014, pp 112-127
11 宇宙银河军事基地对科技发展的推动
- davis, david &34;the role of space military bases in advancing technology&34; space history journal, vol 30, no 3, 2010, pp 34-49
- johnson, sarah &34;technological innovations driven by galactic military bases&34; international journal of space defense, vol 85, no 2, 2015, pp 78-9
12 宇宙银河军事基地的国际合作
- smith, robert &34;international cooperation in galactic military bases&34; journal of space strategy, vol 42, no 4, 2011, pp 56-71
- brown, jennifer &34;collaborative efforts in space military base development&34; space defense review, vol 68, no 1, 2016, pp 92-107