
第81章 第八十一章(1/1)


首发:~第81章 第八十一章









“in winter, monkeys, deer bears and squirrels play in the snow

the little monkey said, let&39;s make a snow rabbit

everyone agreed, and the snowballs rolled together, and the snow rabbits piled up in a while

ha, this snow rabbit is bigger than the bear, with long ears and short tails hey, just cut two red eyes

the little squirrel said, &34;there are some red peppers in my house let&39;s use them as eyes for rabbits!&34;

he ran home, brought two red peppers, and loaded the snow rabbit haha, this snowy rabbit is like a real rabbit it is looking at everyone with big red eyes

the little monkey said: let&39;s play hide-and-seek again!

everyone blindfolded the bear and found a place to hide the little squirrel came up with a good idea he dug a hole behind the snow rabbit and hid in the snow rabbit&39;s stomach the little bear found the little monkey and the deer, but couldn&39;t find the little squirrel the little squirrel was about to get out when he heard the cry it&39;s not good the tiger is ing hide it quickly!

the little squirrel thought that the little monkey would meet the tree, and the deer ran fast, but the bear was chubby if the tiger caught up, it would die

he shouted, the little monkey was about to go up to the tree, the fawn ran away, and the bear found a place to hide i have a good idea i&39;m so scared that the tiger dare not e next time

the deer ran fast, and the bear hid in the tree hole as for the little squirrel, he stayed in the snow rabbit&39;s stomach and got some blood and blocked the hole

the thump kicked, and the tiger came

oh! i&39;ve never seen such a big rabbit, white and fat hey, why doesn&39;t he escape aren&39;t you afraid that i will eat it it&39;s probably fake!

the little squirrel quickly pretended to be afraid: mr tiger, i&39;m afraid i can&39;t walk please don&39;t eat me!

the tiger was very happy to hear this haha, living is alive, enough for me to eat beautifully

the little squirrel said in a poor voice: mr tiger, you must eat me then eat my ears don&39;t eat my stomach if you eat my stomach, i will die&34;

anyway, i&39;m going to eat you all okay! just eat the ears first, and the tiger swallows a long ear of the snow rabbit

ouch, what&39;s wrong it&39;s cold, in the belly of a big tiger

bah, your ears are really bad the tiger spit out hard

the little squirrel said, mr tiger, my ears are not delicious my eyes are delicious you can eat my eyes!

when the tiger heard this, the snow rabbit&39;s eyes were big and red yes, it must be delicious he grabbed an eye, puffed, and threw it into his mouth

ouch, what&39;s wrong that&39;s chili the spicy tiger rolled on the ground and shouted, &34;oh, i can&39;t stand it anymore i&39;m going to die&34;

don&39;t mention how happy the little squirrel is he shouted: tiger, tiger, listen, i&39;m a big monster i&39;m going to eat you!

no wonder this rabbit is so big, its ears are so cold, and his eyes are so hot it turned out to be a big monster the tiger turned around in horror and ran away after a while, it disappeared the little monkey came down from the tree, and the path ran back the little bear climbed out of the hole, the little squirrel climbed out of the rabbit&39;s stomach, and everyone couldn&39;t stand up laughing”



我身负九大神尊传承,回都市来按摩时,遇到的按摩师竟是我的未婚妻! 五年前,我家被强敌围攻,满门被灭,我被九大神尊带上山,侥幸逃过一劫。 可当时不仅我家被害,还令她的家族也受到巨大牵连。 她不仅从苏氏集团的总裁变得一无所有,还沦落到如今这个地步… 要知道,两人的婚事乃是族中长辈所定下。 她为人高傲,洁身自爱,一直都对身为纨绔的我十分厌恶和鄙夷…… 可眼下她却一脸尴尬。
身为玄龙门传人的苏逸从乡下来到城里报恩,寻找名花,以古法碾压武道强者,以医术冠绝通天。 万花丛中过,只取万紫一点红。
他从未想过自己变成老虎会是什么模样,以至于他现在看着眼前情景不知如何是好。 事情是这样的,他死了,重生了,却重生到了一只老虎身上,当他在动物园想着吃香喝辣每天被人拍照营业时,一个作死主播跳下来了…… 他愣了愣,随后没控制住藏在血液里的兽性,一巴掌拍了下去。在下手那一刻,他只有一个想法:“坏了,吃香喝辣不可能了,还可能进锅炉!” 逃吧,神挡杀神,魔挡杀魔,谁都别想阻挡他成为猛虎之王!
“你们用这些垃圾功法,也配与我交手?” …… 三年前,他以废物的身份拜师入宗,人人都对他嗤之以鼻,说是师父瞎了眼,才会招一个废物。 然而,只有他一人知道,师父的眼确实瞎了,不然也不会引狼入室。 三年后,他一剑封喉,血染万里,整个宗门在一夜之间覆灭! 她:“下辈子记得聪明一点,修炼几本好功法,再来打败我……”
我穿越了,穿成了古代公主。 这公主的生活,一个字,爽! 我母妃受宠,舅家巨富,整个大夏没有比我更幸福的女人。 更别提,我鱼塘里还有那么多俊美的小哥哥~ 可幸福安宁的生活总有人打扰,那些边陲小国总想骚扰我大夏。 呵,看本公主如何将你们斩于马下!