
第79章 第七十九章(2/2)


首发:~第79章 第七十九章


“the giraffe is tall and has a long neck, so she especially despises those short animals

one day, after a light rain, the flowers in the forest were blooming everywhere, which was colorful and beautiful giraffes walked out of the house and went for a walk in the forest

the little hedgehog saw it and greeted her warmly: &34;hello, sister giraffe, the violet at the mouth of my hole is blooming you smell it it smells so good!&34;

the giraffe held his head high, smelled it hard with his nose, and said, &34;how can there be any fragrance&34; what nonsense!&34;

hearing this, the little hedgehog walked away silently

as he walked, the giraffe met the little mole

the little mole greeted her warmly: &34;hello, sister giraffe the roses on the wall of my fence are blooming you smell it it smells so good!&34;

giraffes don&39;t look at the little mole she raised her head, sucked her nose, smelled it, and said, &34;how can there be any fragrance&34; what nonsense!&34;

hearing this, the little mole also walked away silently

the giraffe continued to walk along the way, she met many small animals everyone invited giraffes to smell the fragrance of flowers, but giraffes just couldn&39;t smell them

&34;is there something wrong with my nose&34; the giraffe was frightened and ran to the forest hospital

dr hippo received her

&34;you smell this&34; dr hippo picked up a bunch of purple flowers

the giraffe lowered his head and immediately said intoxicated, &34;wow, what a fragrant violet!&34;

&34;smell this again!&34; dr hippo picked up a bunch of red flowers

&34;ah, what a fragrant rose arc!&34; the giraffe felt that his body was about to float up

&34;okay, smell this again!&34; dr hippo picked up another bouquet of white flowers

&34;my god, what a fresh fragrance of jasmine i&39;m going to fly!&34; the giraffe stood up and danced in front of dr hippo

&34;there is nothing wrong with your nose!&34; dr hippo pointed to the flowers on the table and said, &34;these flowers were given to me by my friends in the forest they grow in the places you just passed by!&34;

&34;but why didn&39;t i smell it&34;

&34;that&39;s because your head is too high as long as you lower it a little, you can smell the fragrance of flowers if you don&39;t believe it, try it!&34;

on the way home, the giraffe met the little mole, the little hedgehog and the little mouse this time, she lowered her head, kissed her soul, and really smelled the intoxicating fragrance of flowers

not only that, the giraffe also made many short friends and received a lot of flowers, and her life suddenly became wonderful







(年代+不虐女+爱自己+独美+全员火葬场) 林静文因为不能生,被父母按着脑袋给婆婆和丈夫跪下认错,更是在婆家当牛做马八年,伺候一家子的吃喝拉撒,不敢有任何怨言。 因为一场噩梦一朝觉醒,林静文立刻离婚,只想远离渣男一家。 却没想到,渣男一家轮番上阵,求着她不要离婚,更是跪下求她原谅! 林静文一脚把他们踹开,有多远滚多远,别再和她沾一点边。 尤其是在得知她的真实身份后,她的父母也求她原谅,求她别和他
我啊是他的未婚妻,在外人眼里可能风光无限,可实际上呢,就是个彻头彻尾的大舔狗。 整整五年啊,我追在他屁股后面跑,把他宠上了天,对他的爱那真是毫无保留,掏心掏肺的,可结果呢?他的心就像块捂不热的石头,对我始终冷冰冰的。 更倒霉的事儿还在后头。我居然被绑架了! 在这生死攸关的时候,我给他打电话求救,满心期待着他能来救我。 可他声音里全是不耐烦,冲着电话就吼:“她生病了,今天这场婚礼是她最后的愿望,你
在京城,有那么一位特殊的质子,他身份尊贵,是大周唯一异姓王,却因局势所迫,与母亲一同被送到京城做人质。为了有朝一日能重返故土,他开始扮演起纨绔子弟的角色,在京城里搅得风生水起。 当大周风头最劲的女将军凯旋归来时,他突然向皇帝提出了一个令人大跌眼镜的请求——求娶这位女将军!消息一出,文武百官一片哗然,皇帝也面露尴尬之色,而女将军的家人更是气得火冒三丈。大家都以为这只是质子的一场恶作剧,哪知女将军竟
穿越玄幻世界,他开局降生长生世家,伴生荒古圣体、七窍玲珑心! 背景无敌,天资妖孽! 开始就是王炸开局! 可,任是这样,长辈还要夺妹至尊骨给他增加筹码。 下一秒,无敌返还系统到账! 宿主只要赠送神通、功法、神兵、天材地宝给符合本系统绑定的目标,就可以获得各种超值返还。 如此逆天外挂,何须妹骨证道! …… 从此,他成为三千道域唯一的长生者!
她曾有过五年的舔狗经历,一场车祸却让她失去了记忆。 渣男未婚夫怀里搂着绿茶妹妹,让她去追电视里的男人,她依言而行。 电视里的那位男子是圈子中的高岭之花,两年前正是因为她才导致双腿残废。 彼时,所有人都等着瞧她的狼狈模样。 当她再次现身时,已然是尊贵的豪门太太,容光焕发、明艳照人。 抛弃她的渣男悔不当初,只是木已成舟,一切都无法挽回。 他只能在无尽的悔恨中,眼睁睁看着她幸福地生活。