



陈牧:寡人闻,楚王多宠子,而世子之位不定,其乱不久矣,先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,楚必多乱,夫一兔走于街,万人追之,一人得之,万人不复走。分未定,则一兔走使万人扰;分已定,则虽贪夫知止。今楚多宠子,而嫡位无主,乱自是生矣。夫世子者,国之甚也,而百姓之望也。国既无基,又使百姓失望,绝其本矣。本绝则挠乱,犹兔走也,愿大王以此为鉴。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:i heard,king chu had many sons,but the crown prince has not yet been determined,sir, what do you think?xiao fan:i think,there will definitely be chaos in the future in the chu kingdom,if a rabbit appears, then there will be a lot of people chasing it,until it gets caught,if the crown prince is not identified,then there will be a lot of people to fight,otherwise, the dispute will not stop,today, there are too many sons of king chu,however, the crown prince was not sure,therefore, strife is inevitable,the crown prince is the foundation of the country,he is about the will of the people,if the crown prince is not sure, then the country will go into chaos,so, i hope you take this as a warning。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人欲知,何为道者也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,道者,万物之始,是非之纪也。是以明君守始以知万物之源,治纪以知善败之端。故虚静以待,令名自命也,令事自定也。虚则知实之情,静则知动者正。有言者自为名,有事者自为形,形名参同,君乃无事焉,归之其情也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i want to know,what are the laws of heaven and earth?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,the law of heaven and earth is the beginning of everything,it is the standard of correctness or not,the holy king knows the truth of the world according to it,so they deal with things in a tranquil state,only by remaining quiet can you know the truth,only by remaining quiet can you not be fooled by the chaotic world,words are intangible,things are tangible,they can be transformed into each other,only by mastering it can you govern the country well。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人愿闻,何为人君之宝?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,人主之道,静退以为宝。不自操事而知拙与巧,不自计虑而知福与咎。是以不言而善应,不约而善增。言已应,则执其契;事已增,则操其符。符契之所合,赏罚之所生也。故群臣陈其言,君以其主授其事,事以责其功。功当其事,事当其言,则赏;功不当其事,事不当其言,则罚。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i want to know,what is the treasure of the holy king?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,the holy king regarded the state of stillness as a treasure,he doesn"t do things himself, but he knows how good or bad things are,he didn"t plan it himself, but he knew it was dangerous or not,he didn"t do anything, but he could see the truth,because of this, things are done smoothly,he just needs to master rewards and punishments,therefore, the courtiers gave their opinions,then the holy king assigned them the task,the holy king is only responsible for the outline,he rewards those who establish meritorious service,and he punishes those who make mistakes,that"s all。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人闻,国无常强,无常弱。奉法者强,则国强;奉法者弱,则国弱,何也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,为今之时,能去私曲就公法者,民安而国治;能去私行行公法者,则兵强而敌弱。故审得失有法度之制者,加以群臣之上,则主不可欺以诈伪;审得失有权衡之称者,以听远事,则主不可欺以天下之轻重,愿大王察之。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i heard,the country will not always be strong, nor will it always be weak,if the rule of law is enforced, then the state will be strong,otherwise, the state will be weak,sir taught me why?xiao fan:i think,in this day and age, if you can promote the rule of law rather than personal interests,then the country will be stable and strong,if you can enforce the rule of law and uphold fairness and justice,then the state will be stronger than the enemy,so if you can enforce the rule of law to the world,then, others can not deceive you,if you enforce the rule of law, then you have insight into all the truth,when others report to you on government affairs,i hope you learn from this。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人愿闻,何以垂拱而治?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,惇信明义,使天下厚行信,显忠义,崇德报功,有德尊以爵,有功报以禄,垂拱而天下治,言武王所行者也,所任得人,故垂拱而天下治。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i want to know,how to govern the country well?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,integrity and loyalty should be promoted,only in this way will people regard honesty and loyalty as glory,respect moral people,reward those who have merit,give good positions to ethical people,give good remuneration to those who have merit,only in this way can the country be well governed,king wu of zhou did it。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人欲知,何为谏争者也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,夫谏争者,所以纳君于道,矫枉正非,救上之谬也,上苟有谬而无救焉,则害于事,害于事则危道也,故日,危而不持,颠而不扶,则将焉用彼相哉!陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i want to know,what is the minister who advises?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,the reason for their advice was to put the king on the right path,they corrected the plan in time to avoid the king making mistakes,if the king makes a mistake, but no one corrects it,then it will have a bad effect,it can even harm the country,therefore,when the country is in danger,the prime minister does not correct it,so what is the meaning of the existence of the prime minister?chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:寡人欲知,何为国士者也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,国士之为人,当理不避其难,临患忘利,遗生行义,视死如归。有如此者,是谓国士者也,国君不得而友,天子不得而臣。大者定天下,其次定一国,必由如此人者也。故人主之欲大立功名者,不可不务求此人也。贤主劳于求人,而佚于治事。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:i want to know,what is the talent at the national level?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,as a national level talent,they do not shy away from difficulties,they practice justice and face death gladly,people who can do this are called national-level talents,kings cannot treat them as ordinary friends,at the same time, kings could not treat them as ordinary ministers,people like them are there to stabilize the world and the country,therefore, if the king wants to establish great merit,then they must look for such talent,wise kings are busy looking for talent,then they delegate the affairs to the talents,then they will be easy。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。



仙古之末,人道纪元,人族镇压万族。 危难之际,顾煜川穿越成青蛇,携化龙模拟器降临世间。 血统低微,我开始模拟。 修为低下,我继续模拟。 敌人众多,我依旧还是模拟。 当乾坤王朝携万千兵马欲灭妖族之时。 顾煜川已成为修仙界唯一神龙。 他御水而来,四海之水将千军万马抵挡在外。 今日,吾为妖皇,犯我妖族者,杀!
她本是华夏最出色的女将军,是人人敬仰的女战神,也是医科圣手的关门弟子,一手医术出神入化。 却被最亲近的人背叛,死于非命。 重生成九州南城的顶级豪门千金,不料是个傻子,且一夜之间家族男丁纷纷战死。 偌大的豪门,坍塌就在一瞬间。 出殡日,青梅竹马的未婚夫也要悔婚! “秦家秦文晏愿意入赘姜家!” “程家程司旗愿意入赘姜家!” “厉家厉淮川愿意入赘姜家!” 不曾想,几位大佬竟然同时要入赘到姜家,开启团宠
老公白月光回国那天,我被查出,怀了一对双胞胎。 可是老公他不讲人性,要我把孩子打了,和我离婚。 还给了我三亿离婚费。 可是孩子我才不打呢! 忽悠老公离婚后,我带着孩子去了国外。 可是,他怎么找上门了啊?
【不原谅+不复合+男二上位+马甲独美】 十二年恋爱,三年婚姻。 顾承洲常常夜不归宿,花边新闻一大堆,温颜以为只要自己不吵不闹,温顺听话,做个称职的顾太太,就能继续维持这段婚姻。 可白月光回国那天晚上,他搂着对方笑得张扬,对她说:“当初要不是看你可怜,打死都不会娶你!” 温颜幡然醒悟,不想再爱,留下一纸离婚协议果断走人。 所有人都觉得温颜在闹,初中起就一直追着顾承洲跑。 更不用说现在,父母双亡,娇
邵闻雪是生活在21世纪的童养媳。自从父母去世后,她就被江家指定为儿媳人选。 但是,丈夫早就有了一个捧在心尖上的白月光。 她夹在江家的养育之恩,和丈夫的自由意志之间痛苦不已。 直到她千辛万苦为丈夫的公司拿下底标,迎来的却是招标会上,对手当场放出她的丈夫与别的女人成双入对进入酒店的桃色照片。 邵闻雪想从这场三个人的游戏中退出了。 可那个口口声声说厌恶她的男人,却突然牵起了她的手质问:你不是说永远不会