[迪士尼英文原版小说]花木兰 (刘亦菲、甄子丹领衔主演,巩俐、李连杰特别出演的真人版电影小说)




the imperial palace was aglow hundreds of colorful lanterns floated in the sky above as people filled the streets, their voices ringing with laughter and celebration a parade, led by a large red dragon, made its way along the main street while music and the scent of food filled the air

mulan stood inside the throne room, her mind a blur

the past few hours had been surreal immediately after telling the emperor her name, fear had filled mulan while she had saved the emperor, she had done so as a woman and it was still illegal for her to fight as one she had followed him from the new palace to the imperial palace with a lump in her throat, convinced he was going to punish her but to her surprise, he had brought her to the palace to honor her

now she stood in front of the throne, a tiny figure surrounded by dozens of candles that lit up the room, making it warm and bright behind her, the most important people of the city stood watching her intently among them were mander tung, honghui, and the rest of her battalion even ramtish and skatch were there, both no worse for wear despite being forced into battle in fact, they looked almost handsome, freshly washed and standing with pride

rising from his throne, the emperor approached mulan she bowed and smiled when he encouraged her to stand once more

“hua mulan,” the emperor began, his voice carrying over the crowd “the people owe you a debt of thanks i owe you my life in gratitude for your service and dedication, i invite you to take your place among our greatest decorated warriors—as an officer in my imperial guard”

behind her, she heard the surprised murmurs from the onlookers what the emperor offered was an incredible honor in fact, it was the greatest honor any soldier could wish for it took mulan’s breath away, and she had to move her gaze from the emperor so he wouldn’t see the emotion running over her face unfortunately, when she turned, she found herself looking right at yao, who had tears of his own running down his cheeks as he watched mulan with pride seeing the large soldier weeping made mulan smile, and she turned back to the emperor she knew what she had to say

“your majesty,” she began, “i am deeply honored by this immeasurable invitation but with humble apologies, i cannot accept it” once more, the room filled with surprised mumbles as those gathered tried to make sense of her answer only mander tung seemed to understand, and he gave her a reassuring smile as she went on “i left home under cover of darkness and betrayed my family’s trust i made choices i knew would risk their dishonor since then, i have pledged an oath to be loyal, brave, and true in order to fulfill this oath, i must return home and make amends to my family”

there was a pause as the emperor considered mulan’s words then he nodded raising his voice, he formally addressed the court “devotion to family is an essential virtue!” as his scribes took note of this new official declaration, the emperor looked once more at mulan he did not say anything for a moment, his warm eyes seeming to peer into her soul then, as though satisfied with what he had seen there, the emperor nodded again this time, in a voice only she could hear, he said “very well, hua mulan”

turning, he moved back to the throne dismissed, mulan made her way toward the soldiers—her friends the night was young, and the celebration was just beginning for the next few hours, mulan reasoned, she would forget her journey home and just enjoy life she would have time to think about what to say when she saw her family—and her father—later

dawn was beginning to brighten the edge of the imperial city as mulan led black wind across a bridge toward the main gates in the sky above a few lanterns drifted aimlessly, while a boat floated empty in the water below the city was quiet in the post-celebration hour, as was mulan

“you can’t leave”

hearing honghui’s voice, mulan turned, surprised by the emotion she felt as she looked over at the handsome young man throughout the night she had tried to find him, but to no avail there was so much she wanted to say she wanted to say how sorry she was and how she had wanted to tell him the truth all along she wanted to say hello—and goodbye but now that he was there, in front of her, she was at a loss for words

honghui walked closer, the rising sun making his hair light up and his eyes twinkle he smiled as he approached, and mulan couldn’t help smiling back “the emperor gives his permission for me to leave,” she said “but you do not”

“we’ve not said goodbye,” honghui answered

“goodbye, honghui,” she replied

“goodbye, mulan”

there was an awkward beat as they stared into each other’s eyes, both clearly wanting—needing—to say more, and yet neither wishing to be the first to do so mulan shifted on her feet across from her, honghui ran a hand through his hair mulan wondered what it would be like to take that hand and hold it in her own

as if reading her thoughts, honghui did just that reaching over, he tried to pull her hand free from black wind’s reins nervously, mulan clung tighter to the leather honghui shook his head

“you still won’t take my hand” he asked his voice was soft, deep with emotion

why was she hesitating honghui was standing there in front of her, asking for her hand, and yet in that moment she was more frightened than she had ever been—even more than when she had faced down bri khan this felt more real, more dangerous, more important the air was charged with an electricity she could not yet define holding in a breath, mulan let her fingers curl around his as she did so, emotion flooded through her she gazed down at their fingers, now twined together, and she saw a future lifting her eyes, she met honghui’s gaze for the first time she truly looked at him and let him look at her as mulan her head moved closer to his closer, and closer, until she paused, her lips inches from honghui’s

“i’ve never kissed a man before,” she said

honghui smiled “neither have i”

and then, honghui brought his lips to hers as they kissed, their fingers stayed locked and mulan sank into honghui it was, she thought as a morning dove cooed somewhere nearby, everything she had hoped for and nothing she could have dared dream for it was perfect

mulan reluctantly pulled back, breaking the kiss her cheeks flushed, she brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and smiled nervously at honghui if she could have, she would have stayed there, on that bridge, kissing honghui for the rest of her life but she had told the emperor she had amends to make, and she couldn’t afford the distraction, no matter how pleasant it was

picking up the reins from where they had dropped, mulan threw them over black wind’s head then she jumped on the horse’s back with one last look, too afraid that if she spoke, her voice would break with emotion, mulan turned and rode away but before she had even reached the gate, she heard honghui shout, “i will see you again, hua mulan!”

turning, she saw him standing where she had left him, his hand in the air, waving goodbye she smiled back at him


she thought,

i hope

then she urged black wind forward, disappearing through the gate and leaving the palace, and honghui, behind



传说深渊魔狱有来无回,冤魂集聚,而他,却是从魔狱中走出的落魄皇子,为固朝纲被送去和亲,就此沦为天下笑柄。 他本天子骄子,这次翻身回归,他定重掌神剑,问天,弑地,斩苍穹…… 人人都想他死?他淡漠回应:“趁我无防备陷害诟病,这种事,不会出现第二次,想杀我,你也要命硬才行!”
看文前必看的避雷! 1女主没脑子,纯纯花瓶美人,不会变聪明。而且恶毒跋扈,不会变善良。不能接受的别看。 2爱嬛党、陵容党、宜修党最好别看卷一。 3除了卷二,其余卷开始都不是独宠,后面才是。不能接受的别看。 卷一:冷淡果决雍正帝×蠢笨轻狂作精美人(完) 卷二:风流温柔果郡王×娇气笨蛋作精(完) 卷三:冷面别扭四贝勒×愚笨娇气作精(ing,正史四阿哥,避雷:一开始不是独宠,偏日常流) 文
前世,顾清柠被渣男和恶毒妹妹在末世里害死,死无全尸! 重生归来,她觉醒打脸系统,开启空间,所向无敌! 她狠狠打脸反派,疯狂囤货,冷冷地看着渣男和渣妹跪在地上求她救命。 顾清柠冷笑:死无全尸的滋味,也该让你们尝尝了! 她又收养宠物狗安安,和段修思相互扶持,在末世中风生水起,直接躺赢!
一场意外,让他错过了拯救家族的机会。 回去后,他便被关押三年,成了所有人口中的笑柄。 可他们不知道的是,一场机遇让他觉醒了至尊血脉,还得了天下第一功法。 “家族联姻,无非就是想让家族在这里有落脚之地。” “光靠皇室庇护怎么行?应该变得更强才是!” 他想通了,也不再退缩,再回到那个熟悉的地方时,他要让所有人明白,什么是强者! 至于那个想陷害他的人,他一定会揪出来…… 杀!
出门度假却因为“山崩”而莫名穿越,成为武神大陆.楚武世家的小小姐——伊人。 天生体弱,与“修炼狂人”绝缘的她,在这个以“强者为尊”的异界,直接被贴上“废柴”标签、备受冷落。 不过萝莉虽小,可不是好欺负的! 凭借天生的“异能”,不但帮小哥契约到一只超强灵兽,更意外得到“吞天神兽”认亲,加上一群各怀绝技的灵兽朋友,简直就是名符其实的“万兽之王”! 从此,小萝莉将要……横行天下!?