



陈牧:今齐人犯吾安德,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,齐王初立,大臣未附。其名宗大族皆有部曲,阻兵仗势,足以违命。姜叙新秉国政,而内无其主,不念抚恤上下以立根基,竞于外事,虐用其民,番国之众,顿于坚城,死者万数,载祸而归,此叙获罪之日也。昔子胥、吴起、商鞅、乐毅皆见任时君,主没犹败,况叙才非四贤,而不虑大患,其亡可待也,大王当严守四境,扬兵河上,以待天时。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:today, the state of qi is attacking ande,sir taught me what to do?xiao fan:i think,king qi had just ascended the throne,the ministers have not yet submitted to him,moreover, many nobles had their own soldiers,with this, they did not necessarily obey the orders of the new king,jiang xu has just bee prime minister,the cabi does not yet have his helpers,he did not pacify the people,nor has the gains been consolidated,instead, he attacked ander against the will of the people,therefore, a lot of soldiers were sacrificed,after the defeat, it was a time of disaster for him,in the past, many ministers were trusted by the old king,after the death of the king,they were retaliated against,besides, jiang xu is not as talented as those people,however, he did not realize that the crisis was ing,it was to be expected for him to fail,therefore, you should order the army to remain alert at the border,then wait for the time to e。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。陈牧:齐亦是强国也,何以陵夷至此,寡人甚惑焉,先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,齐主暗而不知其过,臣下容身以求免罪,入其朝不闻直言,经其野民皆菜色。臣闻燕雀处堂,子母相乐,自以为至安也,突决栋焚,而燕雀怡然不知祸之将及,其是之谓乎!陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen mu:the state of qi was also once powerful,why did it fall to this extent,i"m confused about that,sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,king qi was cowardly and ignorant,his ministers also pretended not to know in order to avoid disaster,honest advice is not heard at government meetings,the people have fallen into hunger and cold,swallows and sparrows live together,they thought there was no danger,once the house burned down,it"s too late to escape,it is the king and ministers of the state of qi。chen mu:sir is right,i accept your teachings。陈牧:今齐幼主临朝,强臣在侧,变生宫廷,臣民不附,乱象四起,寡人欲因势伐之,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为可也,安德之败,非小失也,士卒雕残,仓廪空虚,百姓流离,今以策言之,我有乘胜之势,彼有虚弱之实,一也。我上下相习,五兵犀利,彼将易兵新,器仗未复,二也。我以船行,彼以陆军,劳逸不同,三也。北海、临淄、下邳各当有守,我专为一,彼分为三,四也。从北海至下邳,熟麦千顷,为我之用,五也,天时人事在我,盖天亡齐也,大王发兵勿疑。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人意决矣。chen mu:today, king qi is very young,power is held by ministers,his court was in chaos,the people and officials did not submit to him,i want to take the opportunity to attack the state of qi,sir, what do you think?xiao fan:i think so,the state of qi was defeated at ande,their losses are enormous,their morale is low,their warehouses are empty,his people began to flee,analyze from the big picture,first,we are much stronger than theirs,their national strength is weak,second,the morale of our army is high,and the armament is perfect,however, their soldiers are all recruits,armaments are also inadequate,third,we have a water army,they only have land armies,we are more mobile,fourth,their soldiers were scattered in beihai, xiaping and linzi,the main forces of our army are concentrated,fifth,there are many good fields from beihai to xiaping,we can replenish supplies on the spot,we have all the advantages,it is god who wants the qi kingdom to perish,therefore, you should send troops immediately。chen mu:sir is right,i have already made a decision in my mind。陈牧:齐国当事者,姜叙是也,寡人欲遣刺客杀之,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,大王为天下主,宜杖正义以伐违贰,而以刺客除贼,非所以刑于四海也,臣窃以为不妥。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。chen mu:now, jiang xu holds the power of the qi state,i want to send someone to assassinate him,sir, what do you think?xiao fan:i think,you are the king of the world,you should fight evil with justice,if you send someone to assassinate him,then you will not be able to set an example for the world,i do not approve of you doing this。chen mu:sir is right,i was wrong。陈牧:今兵围下邳,诸将皆欲急攻之,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,下邳城固而众多,攻之必力屈;若有外寇,表里受敌,此危道也。今齐党聚于孤城之中,天欲使其亡也,大王当以全策縻之。但坚守三面,若楚军陆道而来,军粮必少;吾以游兵轻骑绝其转输,可不战而破也。楚军破,姜叙必成擒矣!陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:today, our army has surrounded xiapi,the generals wanted to attack immediately,how should i handle this?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,xiapi city was strong and had many defenders,if we launch an attack on it,then our losses will definitely be enormous,if at this time enemy reinforcements arrived,then we will be surrounded and put into danger,today, they are trapped in the city,it is god who will destroy them,you have to look at the big picture,therefore, we only have to surround it from three directions,if the state of chu es to the rescue,they must not have had much materiel,when the time es, we will send cavalry to cut off their logistics,then victory will be a foregone conclusion,if the chu army retreats, then jiang xu is about to perish。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。陈牧:今北海仍为叛逆,其家小俱在临淄,寡人欲悉坑之,先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,古之用兵,全国为上,戮其元恶而已,齐兵就得亡还,无益也,杀之足以坚其心也,大王当于近郡安置,适可以示中国之大度耳。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:today, beihai city has not submitted to me,their families are in linzi city,i want to kill them,sir, what do you think?xiao fan:i think,in previous wars, preserving an intact country was the best way,in the past,wars were waged to punish the main culprits and protect the country,even if the qi soldiers fled, it would be meaningless,if you kill their family, it will only make them resist stronger,therefore, you should place their families nearby,through this, your kindness will be shown to them。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。陈牧:今齐国初定,千端万绪,寡人当如何处之?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,近来楚王治兵广陵,欲规进取,宜遣骠骑将军李晟,督诸军于下邳,以防未然。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:today, the state of qi has just been pacified,the subsequent government affairs are very plicated,how should i deal with it?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,recently, the king of chu strengthened his armament in guangling,my guess is that he will have big military plans,you should send general li sheng to xiaping to mand the army in order to guard against the chu army。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。陈牧:今齐国名臣,有谁可称者?有可堪招引否?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,王师入临淄,百司奔散,莫有留者,惟尚书仆射李贤,独在其主之傍。姜叙将受禅,群僚表请劝进,唯李贤承家,托疾独不署名。此之名士,足称忠烈,清贞雅躁,实继先风,大王可召拜其为世子家臣,兼令侍读。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen mu:ministers of the state of qi, who are more famous?can i recruit them?sir taught me。xiao fan:i think,when our army entered linzi city,their ministers fled,king qi was acpanied only by the minister li xian,when jiang xu wanted to usurp the throne,other ministers expressed their support and advocacy,only li xian pretended to be sick at home and did not sign,ministers like him are loyal, strong, and virtuous,he does have the integrity of the ancients,you can recruit him as a subordinate and panion of the crown prince。chen mu:sir is right,i respectfully accept your teachings。



一朝穿越,我继承了一片景区! 可这景区太破烂,马上要倒闭。 还好我有NPC系统,只需一点小钱,就可以雇佣古代NPC。 嘿嘿嘿,资本家上线,我直接开启赚钱模式。
一朝穿越,刚醒过来就让她穿嫁衣进花轿,听说是去嫁给马上就要死了的病秧子去冲喜的。 手拿银针扎两下,本该要死的人居然又活蹦乱跳的从床上起来了,本想悠哉悠哉的度过一生,可谁知总有不长眼的过来挑衅两下,能怎么办呢,只能挽起衣袖斗渣渣了。 咦?我的这个二妹居然又想嫁给她这个相公呢,不过还没轮到她出手,就被相公解决了。
族长,不好了,族人受伤了!快,送到神树那儿去! 族长,不好了,族人命悬一线,就要死了! 快,送到神树那儿去! 族长,不好了,族人刚刚不幸去世了! 快,送到神树那儿去,不可让尸体在半道凉了! 没错,我就是那哪里需要哪里搬的神树,每天做着重复的救人工作。 转生成为一棵弱小槐树,我本只想每天晒晒太阳,看看月亮,过着悠闲的生活。 可多年以后,我俯视众生,这才猛然发现,这天下,皆在他根须之上,树荫之中
从小到大,她和他在别人眼中就是一对金童玉女,郎才女貌,人人羡慕。 他是东陵的战神王爷,军中将士人人对他唯命是从。她则做他的军师,帮他出谋划策赢的胜利。 她和他的大婚日期也早就定好,这是她爹娘生前给她定下来的婚事。 她本以为他们会天长地久,可没想到一个异族女子的出现,打破了她的幻想…… .
他大学毕业找工作,命运之轮悄然转动。 小公园相亲角,他本着主业副业两手抓的原则,成功地吸引了一名老太太的注意。 无意中,他承接了一份价值五十万的临时结婚业务。 原来是替一名四十来岁的绝症阿姨圆结婚梦! 冲喜过后,他用真诚打动了意识模糊的她, 漫漫江湖路,情义两茫茫。 在经历情缘与事业的磨砺后,他最终找到了幸福归宿,为正义扛大旗!